Expert Witness


utilizing OVer 30 years of experience

Disputes in engineering occur often; whether a builder/contractor performs less than promised, a neighbor causes undue distress upon one’s property through lack of adequate maintenance, and/or through improper encroachments. Private Eyes Engineers has assisted many individuals and corporations in their litigations by providing expert testimony to blossom one’s perspective of the technical issues at hand.

Private Eyes Engineers utilizes their skills, expertise, and experience in engineering, and particularly their expertise in forensic engineering, to identify the root causes of issues that support the legal positions of our clients. We utilize our over 30 years of engineering experience to break-down the issues and to simplify them in terms and in forms that are easy to digest and fast to grasp.

Many times, we find that a root cause of an engineering conflict can relate to any of three engineering disciplines in the building industry. Cross-overs occur often between geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, and/or land development (grading and drainage). These cross-overs are difficult to separate, and often require retaining multiple engineers to distinguish the root cause. Our diversity and our familiarity with various disciplines of civil engineering (e.g. structural, geotechnical, and land development) enable us to identify the cross-overs and to distinguish solutions for the conflicts at hand, all under one umbrella.